Category Archives: From the PTO

Volunteers Needed! Treat Station for Bigelow Staff: Friday, March 28th

Calling all bakers (and aspiring bakers)!  The Teacher Appreciation Committee would like to show Bigelow Staff our gratitude during the long month of March with a “Treat Yo Self” Pop-Up on Friday, March 28. For this pop-up we would like to feature homemade treats of all kinds!

To make that happen we need volunteers to sign up to bake a homemade treats for staff. Please sign up to bake and bring in a treat here. (Hint: this is a great project for students!)

We will send out instructions for drop-offs to all volunteers. Please reach out to Laura Goldworm with any questions at Thank you for your help! 

Bigelow’s Ten Tables Progressive Dinner Returns on April 5th!

We are restarting an old Bigelow tradition of the Ten Tables progressive dinner on Saturday, April 5th!

Ten Tables is a progressive mystery dinner and fundraiser. Everyone first gathers together for an opening appetizers party at the home of a Bigelow family. There you receive your dinner destination. After appetizers, everyone splits up into smaller groups for dinner hosted at a number of other families’ homes.

This promises to be a wonderful night of community-building, and a great way to raise money to support our PTO. If you are interested in hosting either the appetizers gathering or one of the dinners, please send an email to the PTO at or contact Kathy Shields at

Volunteer for the 2025-26 School Year!

Would you like to see some more great events for your Bigelow student in the next school year? Volunteering with the PTO is a great way to enhance your student’s middle school experience while meeting other parents and building a stronger school connection.

It is time to start to planning for the 2025-26 school year! We are actively recruiting for several positions that will be open next year as 8th grade families move on from Bigelow. Now is the ideal time to volunteer as overlap with current volunteers will make for an easy transition. In particular, we would like to identify volunteers for the following:

  • President/Co-President Lead and support the team, preside over PTO meetings, serve as primary contact and representative of the PTO.
  • Communications/Website Send weekly PTO newsletters and other communications. Maintain PTO website. **Training available from current volunteer!**
  • 8th Grade Activities Organize transition activities for 8th grade class including fundraising, year-end celebrations, Moving On ceremony, etc.

In addition to the positions highlighted above, there are many other ways to get involved in the PTO. Please email if you are interested in volunteering or learning more about any of the opportunities to become involved with the Bigelow PTO. Co-volunteers welcome!

Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Yard Sign Design Contest

The Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program’s Yard Sign Design Contest is a way for students to use their creativity to help promote safe roads for cyclists and pedestrians in their communities. The contest is open to students in grades 2-8 who are enrolled in a Massachusetts SRTS partner school.  Multilingual signs are encouraged!  The deadline for submissions is February 24.

You can find more about the contest at: